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CTET Syllabus & Notes ( 2024-25 ) - Paper 1 & Paper 2 Pdf

The CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) syllabus for Paper 1 and Paper 2 can vary slightly depending on the latest updates by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which conducts the exam. However, I can provide you with a general overview of the syllabus for both papers.

Ctet  syllabus & Notes Pdf 

CTET Paper 1 Syllabus:

Paper 1 is for candidates who want to become teachers for classes I to V. The syllabus includes the following subjects and topics:

1. Child Development and Pedagogy:

   - Child Development (Primary School Child)
   - Concept of Inclusive Education and Understanding Children with Special Needs
   - Learning and Pedagogy

2. Language I (compulsory):

   - Comprehension
   - Pedagogy of Language Development

3. Language II (compulsory):

   - Comprehension
   - Pedagogy of Language Development

4. Mathematics:

   - Content
   - Pedagogical Issues

5. Environmental Studies:

   - Content
   - Pedagogical Issues

CTET Paper 2 Syllabus:

Paper 2 is for candidates who want to become teachers for classes VI to VIII. The syllabus includes the following subjects and topics:

1. Child Development and Pedagogy:

   - Child Development (Elementary School Child)
   - Concept of Inclusive Education and Understanding Children with Special Needs
   - Learning and Pedagogy

2. Language I (compulsory):

   - Comprehension
   - Pedagogy of Language Development

3. Language II (compulsory):

   - Comprehension
   - Pedagogy of Language Development

4. Mathematics and Science :

   - Mathematics and Science: Content
   - Pedagogical Issues

5. Social Studies/Social Science :

   - Social Science: Content
   - Pedagogical Issues

Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus & Notes Pdf For CTET, UPTET, STET

Child Development and Pedagogy is an important subject in the CTET exam. It assesses the candidates' understanding of child psychology, development, learning theories, and pedagogical practices. Here are the key topics that are typically covered in the Child Development and Pedagogy section of the CTET exam:

1. Child Development (Primary School Child):

   - Principles of development and their relationship with learning
   - Influence of heredity and environment on child development
   - Theories of child development (Piaget, Vygotsky, etc.)
   - Cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development during early childhood
   - Understanding children's abilities and their individual differences

2. Child Development (Elementary School Child):

   - Factors influencing the development of a child (personal, social, economic, etc.)
   - Physical and motor development during middle childhood
   - Cognitive development and thinking abilities
   - Social and emotional development in middle childhood
   - Challenges and problems related to the development of elementary school children

3. Concept of Inclusive Education and Understanding Children with Special Needs:

   - Concept, importance, and principles of inclusive education
   - Understanding and dealing with children with special needs (learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, etc.)
   - Inclusive practices and strategies to promote learning for all children
   - Role of a teacher in an inclusive classroom

4. Learning and Pedagogy:

   - Theories of learning (behaviorism, constructivism, etc.)
   - Factors influencing learning (motivation, intelligence, attention, etc.)
   - Learning styles and individual differences
   - Assessment and evaluation methods
   - Pedagogical practices for effective teaching and learning

CDP NOTES - Click Here 

Hindi Language and Pedagogy Syllabus & Notes Pdf For CTET, UPTET, STET 

CTET की परीक्षा में हिंदी भाषा और शिक्षण विधि विषय के लिए, साधारित रूप से हिंदी भाषा के ज्ञान और हिंदी को सक्षमतापूर्वक पढ़ाने की क्षमता का मूल्यांकन किया जाता है। यहां ऐसे महत्वपूर्ण विषयों की सूची है जो साधारित रूप से CTET परीक्षा के हिंदी भाषा और शिक्षण विधि खंड में शामिल होती है:

1. भाषा प्राप्ति और विकास:

   - भाषा प्राप्ति की चरणों का अध्ययन
   - भाषा कौशल: सुनना, बोलना, पठन और लेखन
   - भाषा विकास पर प्रभाव डालने वाले कारक

2. भाषा कौशल:

   - समझ: प्रसंग और काव्य
   - शब्दावली: विलोम, पर्यायवाची, एक शब्द प्रतिस्थापन
   - व्याकरण: शब्द-भेद, काल, प्रतिध्वनि, लिंग, कारक, वाक्य संरचना
   - हिंदी भाषा कौशल के शिक्षण-विधान से संबंधित मुद्दे

3. शिक्षण पद्धतियाँ:

   - हिंदी भाषा के शिक्षण के उपाय और तकनीक
   - भाषा कौशल को प्रभावी ढंग से पढ़ाने के लिए रणनीतियाँ
   - संशोधनात्मक शिक्षण और भाषा समस्याओ

English Language and Pedagogy Syllabus & Notes Pdf For CTET, UPTET, STET

The English Language and Pedagogy section of the CTET exam assesses candidates' knowledge of the English language and their ability to effectively teach English. Here are the key topics typically covered in the English Language and Pedagogy section:

1. Language Acquisition and Learning:

   - Theories of language acquisition and learning
   - Factors influencing language acquisition
   - Role of first language in English language learning
   - Second language acquisition and challenges

2. Language Skills:

   - Listening skills: Strategies for developing listening comprehension
   - Speaking skills: Oral communication and pronunciation
   - Reading skills: Reading comprehension and vocabulary development
   - Writing skills: Writing techniques and composition

3. Grammar and Vocabulary:

   - Parts of speech
   - Tenses and verb forms
   - Sentence structure and syntax
   - Vocabulary development and word formation

4. Pedagogical Approaches and Methods:

   - Approaches and methods of teaching English
   - Communicative language teaching
   - Integrating language skills in the classroom
   - Use of technology in English language teaching

5. Assessment and Evaluation:

   - Types of assessment in English language teaching
   - Formative and summative assessment
   - Evaluation of language skills
   - Feedback and remedial measures

6. Language Learning Materials and Resources:

   - Selection and use of appropriate teaching materials
   - Supplementary resources for English language teaching
   - Classroom resources for language development
   - Use of authentic materials for language learning

Mathmatics and Pedagogy Syllabus & Notes Pdf For CTET, UPTET, STET 

The Mathematics and Pedagogy section of the CTET exam focuses on assessing candidates' knowledge of mathematical concepts and their ability to teach mathematics effectively. Here are the key topics typically covered in the Mathematics and Pedagogy section:

1. Number System:

   - Number types (natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, etc.)
   - Properties of numbers
   - Factors and multiples
   - Prime and composite numbers

2. Algebra:

   - Basic algebraic concepts and operations
   - Linear equations and their solutions
   - Polynomials and their operations
   - Algebraic identities and factorization

3. Geometry:

   - Basic geometric concepts (points, lines, angles, triangles, circles, etc.)
   - Properties of geometric figures
   - Congruence and similarity
   - Mensuration (perimeter, area, volume, etc.)

4. Data Handling and Statistics:

   - Collection and organization of data
   - Bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs
   - Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode)
   - Probability concepts

5. Pedagogical Approaches and Methods:

   - Approaches to teaching mathematics
   - Problem-solving strategies
   - Use of manipulatives and visual aids
   - Real-life applications of mathematics

6. Assessment and Evaluation:

   - Formative and summative assessment in mathematics
   - Designing assessment tasks and rubrics
   - Diagnostic assessment and remedial teaching
   - Feedback and evaluation strategies

EVS and Pedagogy Syllabus & Notes Pdf For CTET, UPTET, STET 

The Environmental Studies (EVS) and Pedagogy section of the CTET exam assesses candidates' knowledge of environmental concepts, their understanding of environmental issues, and their ability to teach EVS effectively. Here are the key topics typically covered in the EVS and Pedagogy section:

1. Concept and Scope of EVS:

   - Importance and need for environmental education
   - Integrated nature of EVS
   - Environmental concerns and challenges

2. Content of EVS:

   - Family, Friends, and Neighborhood
   - Plants and Animals
   - Food, Shelter, and Water
   - Travel and Exploration
   - Our Body and Health
   - Earth and Universe

3. Pedagogical Approaches and Methods:

   - Experiential and activity-based learning
   - Inquiry-based learning
   - Field trips and outdoor education
   - Integration of EVS with other subjects

4. Teaching Strategies for EVS:

   - Storytelling and role-playing
   - Discussion and group work
   - Use of multimedia and technology
   - Project-based learning

5. Assessment and Evaluation:

   - Formative and summative assessment in EVS
   - Observation and documentation of learning
   - Portfolio assessment
   - Feedback and remedial measures

6. Environmental Issues and Sustainability:

   - Conservation of natural resources
   - Pollution and its control
   - Biodiversity and its importance
   - Climate change and global warming

Social Studies / Social Science Syllabus & Notes Pdf For CTET, UPTET, STET 

The Social Science and Pedagogy section of the CTET exam focuses on assessing candidates' knowledge of social science subjects (History, Geography, Political Science, and Economics) and their ability to teach social science effectively. Here are the key topics typically covered in the Social Science and Pedagogy section:

1. History:

   - Ancient civilizations and major empires
   - Medieval and modern India
   - Freedom struggle and independence movement
   - World history and prominent revolutions

2. Geography:

   - Physical geography (landforms, climate, natural resources, etc.)
   - Human geography (population, migration, settlement patterns, etc.)
   - Economic geography (agriculture, industries, trade, etc.)
   - Environmental issues and sustainable development

3. Political Science:

   - Indian constitution and its features
   - Fundamental rights and duties
   - Government structure and functioning
   - Democratic values and institutions

4. Economics:

   - Basic economic concepts (demand, supply, production, etc.)
   - Indian economy (sectors, planning, budget, etc.)
   - Economic development and issues
   - Globalization and its impact

5. Pedagogical Approaches and Methods:

   - Inquiry-based learning in social science
   - Project-based learning
   - Use of visual aids and technology
   - Debates, discussions, and simulations

6. Assessment and Evaluation:

   - Formative and summative assessment in social science
   - Designing assessment tasks and rubrics
   - Documenting and analyzing student progress
   - Feedback and remedial measures

Science Syllabus & Notes Pdf For CTET, UPTET, STET 

The Science and Pedagogy section of the CTET exam assesses candidates' knowledge of scientific concepts and their ability to teach science effectively. Here are the key topics typically covered in the Science and Pedagogy section:

1. Physics:

   - Motion, force, and energy
   - Electricity and magnetism
   - Sound and light
   - Laws of motion and gravitation

2. Chemistry:

   - Basic concepts of matter and its properties
   - Atoms, molecules, and elements
   - Acids, bases, and salts
   - Chemical reactions and their types

3. Biology:

   - Cell structure and functions
   - Human body systems
   - Plant and animal kingdom
   - Environmental science and biodiversity

4. Earth and Space Science:

   - Earth's structure and composition
   - Rocks, minerals, and fossils
   - Weather and climate
   - Solar system and celestial bodies

5. Pedagogical Approaches and Methods:

   - Inquiry-based learning in science
   - Experimental and hands-on activities
   - Observation, inference, and data analysis
   - Integration of science with everyday life

6. Assessment and Evaluation:

   - Formative and summative assessment in science
   - Designing experiments and investigations
   - Documentation and interpretation of scientific data
   - Feedback and remedial measures

Sanskrit Syllabus & Notes Pdf For CTET, UPTET, STET 

CTET परीक्षा के संस्कृत विषय में उम्मीदवारों की संस्कृत भाषा, साहित्य और शिक्षण विधियों का मूल्यांकन किया जाता है। यहां संस्कृत विषय के प्रमुख विषयों की सूची है जो आमतौर पर CTET परीक्षा के संस्कृत विषय में शामिल होती है:

1. संस्कृत भाषा:

   - संस्कृत की मूल व्याकरण और वाक्य रचना
   - शब्दार्थ की व्याख्या और शब्द प्रयोग
   - वाक्य रचना और विन्यास
   - शब्दसंग्रह और शब्दावली

2. संस्कृत साहित्य:

   - प्राचीन संस्कृत लेख (वेद, उपनिषद, महाभारत, आदि)
   - क्लासिकल संस्कृत नाटक, काव्य और महाकाव्य
   - प्रसिद्ध संस्कृत लेखक और उनकी रचनाएं
   - साहित्यिक उपकरण और तकनीकें

3. शिक्षण विधियाँ और तकनीकें:

   - संस्कृत भाषा के शिक्षण के लिए रणनीतियाँ
   - पठन, लेखन और बोलने कौशल को बढ़ावा देना
   - संस्कृत संसाधन और सामग्री का उपयोग
   - संस्कृत में मूल्यांकन और मूल्यांकन तकनीकें

4. संस्कृत व्याकरण:

   - संधि (ध्वनि के संयोजन)
   - विभक्ति और क्रियापद
   - क्रिया रूप और काल
   - संस्कृत वाक्य रचना और वाक्य व्याकरण

5. संस्कृत ध्वनिकी:

   - संस्कृत में उच्चारण और ध्वनिकी
   - ध्वनि और स्वर की प्रकृति
   - संकेताक्षर और नासिक ध्वनियाँ
   - द्विस्वर और नासिक ध्वनियाँ

It is important to have a good understanding of these topics, along with knowledge of scientific concepts, to perform well in the Science and Pedagogy section of the CTET exam. Candidates should refer to the official CTET notification and syllabus provided by CBSE for the most accurate and updated information regarding the specific topics and subtopics within the Science and Pedagogy section.

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