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CBSE Class 9 Dating and Relationships Pdf: CBSE News

CBSE Class 9 Dating and Relationships Pdf: CBSE News : Back when we were in school, relationships, dating, developing crushes, physical intimacy, and romance were hush-hush topics that were brushed under the carpet. Teachers would shut us up and completely disregard our questions whenever such topics were brought up. The same was the case in many families that discouraged proper conversations regarding dating and relationships between teenagers.


CBSE Class 9 Dating and Relationships Pdf: CBSE News

However, teenagers nowadays have access to a lot of information, thanks to the internet. But not all information found online is healthy. So before they start getting messed up ideas about dating, relationships, heartbreak and sex, it is crucial for families and schools to step up and engage in mature conversation with students.

CBSE has apparently introduced Value Education books for class 9 students wherein they have explained dating and relationships to a good extent. Pictures from the book were shared on X (formerly Twitter) by user @nashpatee.

If you look closely, you will find that, through the medium of a simple story, the development of crushes and “special” friendships are explained in a paragraph.

On another page, popular terms like ‘ghosting’, ‘catfishing’. and ‘cyberbullying’ are explained.

People online lauded CBSE for introducing such much-needed chapters in books which would help kids to have an idea about complex human relationships and would prevent them from developing unhealthy attachments and emotional patterns. Here’s how some of them reacted:


The internet may have democratised information, but let's be honest, not all information is created equal. Teenagers bombarded with unrealistic portrayals and unhealthy dynamics on social media deserve better. This is where CBSE steps in, armed with knowledge and a willingness to address the realities of modern relationships.

Sure, some might scoff at the idea of dissecting ghosting or explaining catfishing to 14-year-olds. But ignoring these issues won't make them disappear. By equipping students with the language and understanding of healthy relationships, CBSE is empowering them to make informed choices and navigate the complexities of the digital age.

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